2001、2003、2005、2007、2009、2011、2013、2015年世界大學運動會中華代表團隊 醫師
2002/08~2006/09中華民國棒球協會國家代表隊 醫療顧問
2002年印度亞青盃女足賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2002年加拿大世界盃青年女子足球賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2004年仙台女籃亞錦賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2005年雪梨青年奧運中華代表團隊 醫師
2005年越南亞洲盃女足賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2005年亞洲盃青少年足球賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2006年亞洲盃跆拳錦標賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2006年阿得雷德亞洲女足賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2006、2010、2014年亞運中華代表團隊 醫師
2008年亞洲盃跆拳錦標賽中華代表團隊 醫師
2. 「復健及物理醫學」: 合記圖書出版社, 2013編輯委員。復健及物理醫學
- Y. C. Lin, M.K. Wong*, S.W, Chou, F.T. Tang, P.Y. Wong. The Effects of Tai Chi Chuan on Postural Stability in the Elderly: Preliminary Report. Chang Gung Med J 2000;23:197-204.
- Alice M.K. Wong*, Y. C. Lin, S.W, Chou, F.T. Tang, P.Y. Wong. Coordination Exercise and Postural Stability in the Elderly People: Effect of Tai Chi Chuan. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001:82:608-12. (SCI;IF=2.254;Sport Sciences 18/80)
- 陳凱華、周適偉、林瀛洲、蘇先河、黃偉舜、黃美涓*。台灣地區日常生活功能獨立之中老年人體適能與年齡性別相關探討。中華民國復健醫學會雜誌2003; 31 (3):139-145
- C. H. Liao*, Y. J. Hsiech, Y. C. Lin Celecoxib simulates respiratory burst through pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein, a possible signal for beta 2-integrin expression on human neutrophils. European Journal of Pharmacology. 484(1):29-39, 2004 Jan 19. (SCI;IF=2.737;Pharmacology & Pharmacy 90/252)
- 周適偉*、林瀛洲、李祈德、黃美涓. 台灣地區中年人教育程度對體適能狀態的影響. 臺灣復健醫學雜誌 2004; 32(3):125-33
- Carl P.C. Chen, Chih-Kuang Chen, Max J. L. Chen, Yin-Chou Lin, Tony H.C. Hsu, Ju-Wen Cheng, Simon F.T. Tang*. The improvement of pain symptoms and activities of daily living in people with knee osteoarthritis after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection. Tw J phys Rehabil 2004; 32(3): 111-116
- Yin-Chou Lin, Chih-Kuan Chen, Ngok-Kiu Chu, Jung-Feng Chang, Yiu-Chung Liu*, Simon F.T. Tang. Gait deviation in patients with early osteoarthritis of the knee. Tw J phys Rehabil 2005;33(3):123-130.
- YM Tsai, SW Chou, YC Lin, CW Hou, KC Hung, HW Kung, TW Lin, SM Chen, CY Lin, and CH Kuo*. Effect of resistance exercise on dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentrations during a 72-h recovery: relation to glucose tolerance and insulin response. Life Sci, Aug 2006;79(13):1281-6. (SCI;IF=2.451;Medicine, Research & Experimental 42/106)
- 林季蓉、林瀛洲、郭家驊、周適偉*、黃美涓(民96)。台灣地區成年人居住區域別對體適能狀態的影響。台灣復健醫學雜誌。35(3),145-151。
- IF Tsai, CY Lin, CT Huang, YC Lin, CM Yang, YC Lin, and CH Liao*. Modulation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells maturation by a soluble guanylate cyclase activator, YC-1, in a cyclic nucleotide independent manner. Int Immunopharmacol, October 1, 2007;7(10):1299-310. (SCI;IF=2.325;Pharmacology & Pharmacy 128//252)
- YJ Huang, IS Chen, CP Tseng, YJ Day, YC Lin, and CH Liao*. (2R,3R)-2-(3',4'-dihydroxybenzyl)-3-(3'',4''-dimethoxybenzyl)butyrolactone suppresses fMLP-induced superoxide production by inhibiting fMLP-receptor binding in human neutrophils. Biochem Pharmacol 2008;75(3):688-97. (SCI;IF=4.889;Pharmacology & Pharmacy 20/252)
- YC Pei, SW Chou, PS Lin, YC Lin, TH Hsu, and AM Wong*. Eye-hand coordination of elderly people who practice Tai Chi Chuan. J Formos Med Assoc, Feb 2008;107(2):103-10. (SCI;IF=1.125;Medicine, General & Internal 76/153)
- TC Fu, AM Wong, YC Pei*, KP Wu, SW Chou, and YC Lin. Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes-a pilot study. J Sci Med Sport, Apr 2008; 11(2): 198-201. (SCI;IF=2.542;Sport Sciences 10/80)
- Shih-Wei Chou*, Hsin-Yi Kathy Cheng, Jen-Hua Chen, Yan-Ying Ju, Yin-Chou Lin, and May-Kuen Alice Wong .The role of the great toe in balance performance. J Orthop Res, 2009 Apr;27(4):549-54. (SCI;IF=2.976;Orthopedics 5/61)
- Shih-Wei Chou, Han-Tsung Liao, Sukru Yazar, Chih-Hung Lin, Yin-Chou Lin, and Fu-Chan Wei*. Assessment of fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap donor-site morbidity using balance and gait test. J Orthop Res, 2009 Apr;27(4):555-60. (SCI;IF=2.976;Orthopedics 5/61)
- 張雅棻、蔡文鐘、鍾佳英、林瀛洲、陳玥岑、吳菁宜*、林克忠。改良式制動療法與雙側動作訓練對慢性中風病患之相對效應:運動學分析. 台灣復健醫誌 2009;37(1):19-30.
- Hsiao-Lien Chen, Yin-Chou Lin, Wen-Jen Chien, Wen-Chen Huang, Hsiao-Yu Lin, Ping-Ling Chen*. The Effect of Ankle Position on Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction Activity in Women. J of Urology. 2009; 181(3): 1217-23. (SCI;IF=3.862;Urology & Nephrology 10/69)
- Wong AM, Pei YC, Lan C, Huang SC, Lin YC, Chou SW*. Is Tai Chi Chuan effective in improving lower limb response time to prevent backward falls in the elderly? Age (Dordr). 2009 Jun;31(2):163-70. (SCI;IF=6.280;GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY 4/45)
- Yin-Chou Lin, Angela Thompson, Kung, Jung-Tang ,Liang-Wei Chieh,Shih-Wei Chou*, Jung-Charng Lin. Functional Isokinetic Strength Ratios in Baseball Players with Injured Elbows. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2010;19(1):21-9. (SCI;IF=0.662;Sport Sciences 60/80)
- Hong JP, Lai CH, Lin YC, Chou SW*. Clinical assessment of patients with cervicogenic headache: a preliminary study. Chang Gung Med J. 2010 Jan-Feb;33(1):58-66.
- Yin-Chou Lin. Quantitative Assessment of the Effects of Ishemic Compression, Prolotherapy, and Strengtheing Exercises on Cervicogenic Cephalic Syndrome. Unpublished doctorial thesis. 2011-Jun.
- Yin-Chou Lin, Cheng-Hsiu Lai, Wei-Han Chang, Li-Wen Tu,Jung-Charng Lin, Shih-Wei Chou. Immediate Effects of Ishemic Compression on Neck Function of Patients with Cervicogenic Cephalic Syndrome. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012;35:301-307
- “Gait Analysis in Patients with Osteoarthritis of Knee.” Annual Meeting 1997 of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 13-14, 1997.
- “The Effect of Tai Chi Chuan on the Posture Stability in Elderly Subjects.” Annual Meeting 1998 of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 19-20, 1998.
- “The Relationship between Severity of Osteoarthritis of Knee and Gait Parameters.” Annual Meeting 1998 of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 19-20, 1998.
- “The difference of electromyographic activity of vastus muscle in open and closed kinetic chain exercise between subjects with and without patellarfemoral pain syndrome” XVIII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Hong Kong, June 25-30, 2000.
- “The effect of ankle-foot orthosis on motor control and postural stability in hemiplegic patients. Contemporary Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine and Motor Control, Linko, Tawan, Aug 5-6, 2000
- “The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on the healing of muscle contusion injury—A rabbit model.” Annual Meeting 2000 of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 16-17, 2000
- “Coordination exercise and postural stability in elderly people: effect of Tai-Chi Chuan” Annual Meeting 2001 of The Gerontological Society of Taiwan, Jun 17, 2001
- “The association between level of education and physical fitness among middle-aged Taiwanese adults” 10th World Sport for All Congress, Rome, Italy, Nov. 2004.
- ”Isokinetic Strength Evaluation in Patients with Acetabular Labral Tear-A Preliminary Result” Annual Meeting 2004 of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of R.O.C., Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 18-19, 2004.
- “運動按摩;運動醫學會年會,Dec 2005.
- “貼紮之臨床應用”。貼紮之臨床應用研習會;灣脊骨矯治醫學會, March 19, 2006.
- “手肘受傷棒球選手功能性等速肌力比值之研究”。台灣復健醫學會九十五年度會員大會暨學術研討會。Dec 16-17,2006.
- “震波治療於運動醫學的應用”震波治療教育學程及認證,復健醫學會 March 7,2009.
- “Management of Patients with early knee OA: role of rehabilitation”. 3Rd Asia Pacific Osteoarthritis Forum. Invited speaker. April 30, 2011 Singapore.
- “運動損傷的預防及康復”. 2012 International Symposium on Community-based Rehabilitation & Class of traditional and modern rehabilitation. September 1st, 2012 Guangzhou.






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