Ping Ching PAI MD

Expert of radiotherapy, proton therapy and photon-based and proton-based radiosurgery

Breast cancer, lung cancer, brain tumor (including benign and malignant tumor), esophageal cancer, and metastatic tumors.


Ping Ching Pai, MD is an attending physician in the center of Radiation Oncology of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, who has been well trained and qualified with national licenses of Radiation Oncology. Dr. Pai has participated in various research programs in the field of Radiation Oncology, especially on brain tumor, breast cancer, lung cancers and metastatic cancers.


Breast cancer, lung cancer, brain tumor (including benign and malignant tumor), esophageal cancer, and metastatic tumors.

Treatment experiences

Treated 800+ cases of breast cancer, 800+ cases of thoracic tumor, 800+ cases of brain tumor, 200+ radiosurgeries of the brain, 1,000+ metastatic tumor.


1990 - 1995: MD, School of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taiwan


1994/06 - 1995/05: Intern, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

1995/08 - 1998/07: Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

1998/08 - 1999/07: Chief Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

2003 - 2007: Academic Lecturer, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

2004 - 2008: Lecturer, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

Current Appointments

1999/08 - present: Attending physician, Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

2007 - present: Assistant Professor, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

2008 - present: Assistant Professor, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

  1. Pai PC., Tsang NM, Liu CJ, Lee ST, Tang SGJ (1997). Radiosurgery and multiple co-planar fields in the treatment of recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer- a case report. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 4, 65-69. 
  2. Pai PC, Tsang NM, Tseng CK, Kao LY, Hung CH (1998). External beam radiotherapy for non-operative retinoblastoma: A retrospective study. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.5, 149-156.
  3. Pai PC, Chuang CC, Wei KC, Tsang NM, Tseng CK, Chang CN (2002). Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Head Neck, 24, 748-753.
  4. Pai PC, Tsang NM, Tsang KC, Hao SP, Kuo TT, Wei KC, Hsueh C, Chuang CC (2004). Prevalence of LMP-1 Gene in Tonsils and Non-Neoplastic Nasopharynxes by Nest-Polymerase Chain Reaction in Taiwan. Head Neck, 26:619-624.
  5. Pai PC, Tseng CK, Chuang CC, Wei KC, Hao SP, Hsueh C, Chang KP, Tsang NM. (2007) Polymorphism of C-terminal Activation Region 2 of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 1 in Predicting Distant Failure and Post-Metastatic Survival in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Head Neck 29:109-119.
  6. Pai PC, Chuang CC, Tseng CK, Tsang NM, Chang KP, Yen TC, Liao CT, Hong JH, Chang JT. (2012) Impact of pretreatment body mass index on patients with head-and-neck cancer treated with radiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 83(1):e93-e100.
  7. Tsang MN, Pai PC (co-first author), Chuang CC, Chuang WC, Tseng CK, Chang KP, Yen TC, Lin JD, Chang JTC. (2016) Overweight and obesity predict better overall survival rates in cancer patients with distant metastases. Cancer Medicine. 5:665-75.
  8. Tsang NM, Chuang CC, Tseng CK, Hao SP, Kuo TT, Lin CY, Pai PC* (2003). Presence of LMP 1 Gene in Nasopharyngeal Swabs from Patients with Mucosal Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancer. 98:2385-2392.
  9. Chuang CC, Chang CN, Tsang NM, Wei, KC, Tseng CK, Chang JTC, Pai PC* (2004). Linear Accelerator Based Radiosurgery In The Management Of Skull Base Meningiomas. Journal of Neurooncology 66: 241-249.
  10. Chuang CC, Jung SM, Yang JT, Chang CN, Pai PC* (2006). Intrasellar cavernous hemangioma. J Clin Neurosci. 13:672-675.
  11. Chuang, CC, Chang, CN, Wei, KC, Liao CC, Hsu PW, Huang YC, Chen YL, Lai LJ, Pai, PC* (2006). Surgical treatment for severe visual compromised patients after pituitary apoplexy. J Neuro-oncol. 80:39-47.
  12. Chuang CC, Chen YL, Lai LJ, Pai PC* (2006).A giant intracavernous carotid artery aneurysm embedded in pituitary macroadenoma presenting with pituitary apoplexy. Cerebrovasc Dis. 21:142-144.
  13. Chang YK, Pai PC, Chen MF, Tang SG, Chang JT, Hong JH (2000). Treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with unusual histological features. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.7, 259-265.
  14. Huang YT, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Lin CY, Hong JH, Tsang NM (2003). The outcome of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with suboptimal radiation dose. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 10: 63-38.
  15. Fan KH, Tseng CK, Pai PC, Tsang NM, Hong JH (2003). Treatment results of tongue cancer in patient younger than 40 years old. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 10: 219-228.
  16. Tseng CK, Tsang NM, Tsai JS, Wei GJ, Jiang TH, Pai PC, Chang JTC (2003). Radiotherapy to primary CNS germinoma: how large an irradiated volume is justified for tumor control?  Journal of Neurooncology 62: 343-348.
  17. Lin SY, Chang KP, Hsieh MS, Ueng SH, Hao SP, Tseng CK, Pai PC, Chang FT, Tsai MH, Tsang NM. (2005) The time frame of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 gene to disappear in nasopharyngeal swabs after initiation of primary radiotherapy is an independently significant prognostic factor predicting local control for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics.63:1339-1346.
  18. Tang SG, Tseng CK, Tsay PK, Chen CH, Chang JW, Pai PC, Hong JH. (2005) Predictors for patterns of brain relapse and overall survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Neurooncology 73:153-161.
  19. Chang KP, Hao SP, Lin SY, Ueng SH, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Hsueh C, Hsieh MS, Yu JS, Tsang NM. (2006) The 30-bp deletion of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 gene has no effect in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Laryngoscope 116:54154-6.
  20. Huang BS, Hong JH, Pai PC, Wang JJ, Tsang NM. The Treatment Results of Unknown Primary Head and Neck Cancers without Epstein-Barr Virus Infection. (2008) Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.15 (2), 91-100.
  21. Chuang WY, Yeh CJ, Chu PH, Liao CC, Wu CT, Chuang CC, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Jung SM, Wei KC, Chang CN. Expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 in brain metastases: a useful indicator of pulmonary origin. (2008). J Clin Neurosci 15:643-6.
  22. Lu YJ, Chang CN, Pai PC, Wei KC, Chuang CC. Isolated sphenoid sinusitis or mucocele: a potential complication of endonasal transsphenoidal surgery. (2009) J Neurooncol.91:63-7.
  23. Liu ZH, Chang CN, Pai PC, Wei KC, Jung SM, Chen NY, Chuang CC. (2010) Clinical features and surgical outcome of clinical and subclinical pituitary apoplexy. J Clin Neurosci. 17:694-9.
  24. Chuang CC, Chen YL, Jung SM, Pai PC*. ( 2010) A giant retroclival Rathke's cleft cyst. J Clin Neurosci. 17:1189-91.
  25. Lee CC, Lee ST, Chang CN, Pai PC, Chen YL, Hsieh TC, Chuang CC. (2011) Volumetric measurement for comparison of the accuracy between intraoperative CT and postoperative MR imaging in pituitary adenoma surgery. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 32:1539-44.
  26. Chuang CC, Chen E, Huang YC, Tu PH, Chen YL, Pai PC. (2011)Surgical outcome of oculomotor nerve palsy in pituitary adenoma. J Clin Neurosc 18:1463-8.
  27. Liu ZH, Tu PH, Pai PC, Chen NY, Lee ST, Chuang CC. (2012) Predisposing factors of pituitary hemorrhage. Eur J Neuro.;19:733-8.
  28. Chen JK, Pai PC, Chang JY, Fan SK. (2012) pH-responsive one-dimensional periodic relief grating of polymer brush-gold nanoassemblies on silicon surface. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 4:1935-47.
  29. Yan JL, Chang CN, Chuang CC, Hsu PW, Lin JD, Wei KC, Lee ST, Tseng JK, Pai PC, Chen YL. (2013) Long-term follow-up of patients with surgical intractable acromegaly after linear accelerator radiosurgery. J Formos Med Assoc. 112:416-20.
  30. Lin SY, Yang CC, Wu YM, Tseng CK, Wei KC, Chu YC, Hsieh HY, Wu TH, Pai PC, Hsu PW, Chuang CC. (2015) Evaluating the Impact of Hippocampal Sparing During Whole Brain Radiotherapy on Neurocognitive Functions: A Preliminary Report of a Prospective Phase II Study. Biomed J. 38: 439-49.
  31. Chen KT, Wu TW, Chuang CC, Hsu YH, Hsu PW, Huang YC, Lin TK, Chang CN, Lee ST, Wu CT, Tseng CK, Wang CC, Pai PC, Wei KC, Chen PY. (2015) Corpus callosum involvement and postoperative outcomes of patients with gliomas. J Neurooncol. 124: 207-14
  32. Lee CC, Chen CM, Lee ST, Wei KC, Pai PC, Toh CH, Chuang CC. (2015) Prediction of Long-term post-operative testosterone replacement requirement based on the pre-operative tumor volume and testosterone level in pituitary macroadenoma. Sci Rep. 5:16194.
  33. Tsai PF, Yang CC, Chuang CC, Huang TY, Wu YM, Pai PC, Tseng CK, Wu TH, Shen YL, Lin SY. (2015) Hippocampal dosimetry correlates with the change in neurocognitive function after hippocampal sparing during whole brain radiotherapy: a prospective study. Radiat Oncol. 10:253.
  34. Chuang CC, Lin SY, Pai PC, Yan JL, Toh CH, Lee ST, Wei KC, Liu ZH, Chen CM, Wang YC, Lee CC. (2017) Different Volumetric Measurement Methods for Pituitary Adenomas and Their Crucial Clinical Significance. Sci Rep. 18;7:40792. doi: 10.1038/srep40792.
  35. Yap WK, Chang YC, Tseng CK, Hsieh CH, Chao YK, Su PJ, Hou MM, Yang CK, Pai PC, Lin CR, Hsieh CE, Wu YY, Hung TM. (2017) Predictive value of nodal maximum standardized uptake value of pretreatment [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography imaging in patients with esophageal cancer. Dis Esophagus.30(8):1-10. doi: 10.1093/dote/dox021.
  36. Chou YC, Lin CY, Tseng CK, Pai PC, Hsieh CE, Chang KP, Hsu CL, Liao CT, Wang CC, Chin SC, Yen TC, Ho TY, Hong HH, Lei KF, Chang JTC, Tsang N. (2017) Dose -escalated Radiation Therapy is Associated with Better Overall Survival in Patients with Bone Metastases from Solid Tumors—A Propensity Score-matched Study. Cancer Medicine (in press).*corresponding author

An 86 year-old male was diagnosed with locally advanced lung cancer. Pre-proton therapy and 4-months post-proton therapy tumor characteristic on PET/CT scan. He had no clinical symptom with daily activities.