Professional of Continence Treatment

Excretion Disorders, Prostate Disorders, and Female Urology

Urination sounds like nothing, but it is truly a big issue. Bladder dysfunction (spastic or flaccid), bladder outlet obstruction (male: Prostatic Hypertrophy; female: Bladder Prolapse), neurogenic bladder dysfunction (damages on spine, stroke, and Parkinson’s diseases), and systemic diseases (diabetes or hypertension) are all risk factors that may cause problems with urination, including dysuria, frequent urination, urinary urgency, nocturia, and urinary incontinence.

Dr. Chuang has studied urology for more than 20 years and developed research models, new theories, and new treatments. He integrates various medications, physical therapies, prostatic surgery, and surgery for bladder/urinary tract to improve the urination flow.


Excretion Disorders, Prostate Disorders, and Female Urology


1982/06-1988/06 MD School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University

1999/10-2000/09 Department of Urology and School of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh


1990/06-1992/05 Resident Physician Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Fonglin Branch

1992/06-1997/08 Resident Pysician-Chief Resident Physician Department of Urology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

2001~2006; 2009/10 ~ 2012/09 Secretary-General Taiwan Continence Society

2010/09 ~2012/08 Chief Member of Urodynamics and Female Urology, Taiwan Urological Association

2009/07 ~2015/06/30 Chief Department of Urology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Current Position

2009/07- Chief Department of Urology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

2013/07- Professor Department of Urology

2012/10/01- Board Director Taiwan Continence Society

International Awards

  1. New Insights on the Etiology and Treatment of Intersititial Cystitis. 2001 Lapides Essay Contest- Honorable Mention。
  2. Botulinum Toxin Type A Induces Prostate Apoptosis, Decreases α1A Adrenoceptor and Improves Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms. 2005 LAPIDES ESSAY CONTEST, Honorable Mention
  3. Novel action of Botulinum toxin on the stromal and epithelial components of the     prostate gland. 2006 LAPIDES ESSAY CONTEST, Honorable Mention 
  4. Urodynamic and immunohistochemical Evaluation of Intravesical Botulinum Toxin A Delivery Using Liposomes. 2009 LAPIDES ESSAY CONTEST, 2nd place
  5. Prevalence of Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Associated Risk Factors in 1,359 Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Urology in press 2011 (Best poster, 2011 American Urological Association Annual Meeting)

Awards in Taiwan

  1. Yao-Chi Chuang, Alex T. L. Lin, Kuang-Kuo Chen, Yen-Hwa Chang, Ming-Tsun Chen and Luke S. Chang. Paraneoplastic Elevation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Incidence and Implication on Prognosis. J. Urol. Vol.158:p1684-1687,1997. Best Paper Award of 1998 Taiwan Urological Association International Medical Journals.
  2. Yao-Chi Chuang. Novel action of Botulinum toxin on the stromal and epithelial components of the prostate gland. Best Paper Award of 2006 Taiwan Urological Association.
  3. Yao-Chi Chuang , Po-Hui Chiang, Naoki Yoshimura , Fernando DeMiguel , and Michael B. Chancellor. Sustained beneficial effects of intraprostatic Botulinum t oxin type A injection on LUTS and quality of life in BPH patients. Best Paper Award of 2007 Taiwan Urological Association International Medical Journals.
  4. Yao-Chi Chuang, Yoshimura N, Huang CC, Wu M, Chiang PH, Chancellor MB. Intraprostatic botulinum toxin A injection inhibits cyclooxygenase-2 expression and suppresses prostatic pain on capsaicin induced prostatitis model in rat. Best Paper Award of 2009 Taiwan Urological Association Dr. Hsieh Award.
  5. Yao-Chi Chuang , Naoki Yoshimura, Chao-Cheng Huang, Moya Wu, Po-Hui Chiang, and Michael B. Chancellor. Intravesical Botulinum Toxin A Administration Inhibits COX-2 and EP4 Expression and Suppresses Bladder Hyperactivity in Cyclophosphamide Induced Cystitis In Rats. Eur Urol. 56: 159-167, 2009. Best Paper Award of 2010 Taiwan Urological Association International Medical Journals.
  6. Yao-Chi Chuang, Min-Shen Chung, Pei-Wen Wang, Wei-Chia Lee, Chung-Dar Chen, Hsueh-Wen Chang, Kuender D. Yang, Michael B. Chancellor, Rue-Tsuan Liu. Albuminuria is an independent risk factor of Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2012;9:1055-1064. Best Paper Award of 2012 Taiwan Urological Association Pfizer Award.